The purpose of Green Schools is to promote awareness within the school of what we can do to improve our school environment and that of the wider community, with particular emphasis on recycling and cutting down on waste.
Green Schools Committee
The Green Schools committee has been up and running for a number of years now. We meet each week for about half an hour. All are welcome. We have a notice board on the school corridor which contains all new information and projects.
Green Schools Flags
We currently have five flags:
- Litter and Waste
- Water
- Energy
- Bio Diversity
- Transport
We are currently working towards our sixth flag: "Global citzenship with regard to litter and waste".
Current Aims
- To encourage the correct use of the school bins, in particular the green bin and our compost bins
- To promote proper use of ‘green buckets’ for disposal of plastic bottles
- To increase awareness of water usage in the school
- To reduce water usage in the toilets and other areas
- To reduce litter/waste in the school
- To reduce the cost of water and waste bills
- To encourage biodiversity on school campus with our bee hives and meadows
- To actively engage with the wider community in various green initiatives, for instance local beach cleans
There is now a plastic water bottle ban in the school. Students can only carry water in reusable water bottles. This has significantly reduced plastic waste in the school.