ABC (A Better Community) Committee

The underlying principle of the ABC is restorative justice where the focus is on repairing harm through inclusive processes.

ABC Representatives

Each class in every year group elects an ABC representative. Though rarely enforced, the ABC coordinator has the right to remove a student representative at any time should he/she feel it is warranted.

ABC Training

ABC training is done on an informal basis. Reps develop their skills and experience by attending meetings and working alongside more Senior reps.

An Issue – The ABC Process

If an issue exists which requires ABC intervention the students involved will be requested to attend an ABC meeting. These meetings are normally held during lunchtime. All students should bring their lunch to such meetings.

The ABC normally meets with each individual involved in the dispute separately to ascertain their side of the story. The approach taken is one which does not view anyone in trouble rather than an issue has arisen which needs to be resolved. After hearing both sides the ABC encourages students to attend a meeting together in order to bring closure to the issue. Agreement is sought from both parties to a mutual acceptable way of dealing with each other and going forward.

Contacting the ABC – Students

There are a number of ways a student can contact the ABC:

  • Email:
  • Approach any student or teacher representative directly. Reps can be easily identified by the yellow smiley face badge they wear.
  • Through their class prefect.
  • Through their tutor.
  • Through their Year Head.
  • Through any class teacher.
  • Through the Principal and Vice-Principal.
  • Through the Guidance Counsellor.
  • Through the office by getting a parent/guardian to phone in.

Contacting the ABC – Parents

Any parent who has a concern which they feel is an issue is welcome to contact the school. Parents who do so should request to speak to Ms Marren, the ABC teacher representative. They should clearly state that their concern is a matter for the ABC.

The School's Anti-Bullying Behaviour policy is available from our School Policies page.

17 2025
February Mid-term Break
04 2025
1st Year Parent Teacher Meeting
11 2025
Choir Emmanuel Concert Times TBC
17 2025
St. Patrick's Day
St Joseph of Cluny,
Ballinclea Road,
Co. Dublin,
A96 DK13

01 2855027

Le Chéile Schools Trust
© 2025 St Joseph of Cluny